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David Cheng, MBA
Executive and Management Coaching


Available upon request

I have permission from several clients, both current and former, to offer references on our coaching work together. Please let me know of your interest, and I'm happy to provide you with contact information for these folks.

"Dave was wonderful at creating a safe and confidential environment for me to bring challenges to the table, even when I viewed them as obstacles preventing me from achieving my goals. He had an awesome way of assisting me with looking at my situation from a different perspective. His intuition was right on track and proved to be effective when pointing to things that were present, even when I was hesitant to speak them out loud. There was tremendous growth and progress for me while having Dave as my coach."

Laquisha D. Pinkston
IBM Corporation


"Often, when one has spent years working up the executive ladder, it can be difficult to leave it all behind. Dave helped me see how important it was for me to take decisive steps in a new direction. He combines patience and compassion with keen analytical insight, so I was always comfortable being authentically me while we both discovered who that 'me' really is. I found the courage to leave my job and design my new future."

Health Care Executive & Entrepreneur

"Dave’s coaching has changed my thinking about my company and self-employment. It’s no longer just 'something on the side' anymore. It’s a major investment in both time and money that I’ve made, and my return on that investment depends on how efficiently I continue to run my company. The organizational skills I’ve developed while working with Dave have helped me plan and run my company better. He’s helped me determine what’s more important in reaching my goals, and paying attention to those goals has helped me make progress more quickly than I had imagined possible."

Nathan Whitchurch
Whitchurch Photography

Other success stories

A high-potential "rising star" executive wanted to improve his leadership skills. A 360 Review determined this client is a great manager with two good opportunities for improvement: practice better active listening, and stop trying to juggle so many responsibilites at once.

The Director of a new residential facility is a very "hands on" manager. This served her well as the new employees were developing. Revenue and occupancy goals were met 25% sooner than projected. Now that the business was no longer in start-up mode, we identified the need for her to step back and give her direct reports the opportunity to succeed, or fail, on their own.

A Fortune 50 executive was overloaded with 80-hour weeks and frequent business travel. I helped this client clarify what was was most important. She was then able to focus on "high value actions".

A white-collar professional was wrestling with the classic "love versus money" dilemma. I helped this client clarify personal goals and priorities, keeping them in perspective during the transition to a lower paying but more fulfilling career path.

A blue-collar supervisor faced high expectations and increased responsibility during a period of rapid workforce growth. We made plans to deal with the risk of an unwanted "Peter Principle" promotion that would take him away from the hands-on work that he loves.

For more information

I've created a one-page leaflet that summarizes the information presented here on the web site. Please click here to download this Adobe Acrobat PDF file (44Kb). You can also contact me to request a printed copy via US Post.

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The 'Cartoon Dave' logo and the phrase "Achieve more than you thought possible" are Service Marks of DC Enterprises.
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