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David Cheng
Executive and Management Coaching

Complimentary Coaching Session

I could write dozens of pages, trying to give you a good idea about what the coaching experience is like and how it can benefit you.  That’s just not necessary.

The best way to understand coaching is to experience it for yourself.

Please contact me to schedule a complimentary coaching session.  This usually takes 30-45 minutes.  You pick a topic in your life or career that you’d like some coaching on, and I’ll coach you.  I can’t guarantee miraculous solutions in one session, but you’ll get a taste of what the coaching experience is like.

There is no financial obligation.  I just want to give you the opportunity to see if coaching is for you.

Please note:
Because of my full-time work schedule, I am only available after 6:00 PM, Eastern time.


Phone:    +1 (518) 464-1977

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The 'Cartoon Dave' logo and the phrase "Achieve more than you thought possible" are Service Marks of DC Enterprises.
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